Course Description
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Course curriculum
9.1 Understanding Analytics
9.1.1 Approaches to Analytics
9.1.2 Understanding Analytics Part-1
9.1.3 Understanding Analytics Part-2
9.2 Analytics Tools
9.2.1 Analytical Models and Approaches
9.2.2 Integrating Big Data in Organizations
9.2.3 Popular Analytical Tools
9.3 Exploring R
9.3.1 Introduction to Rstudio
9.4 Reading datasets into R, Exporting Data from R
9.4.1 Saving and Loading Objects
9.4.2 Reading Datasets and Exporting Data from R
9.5 Manipulating and Processing Data in R
9.5.1 Parallel Processing in R
9.5.2 Manipulating and Processing Data in R Part-1
9.5.3 Manipulating and Processing Data in R Part-2